"Open our book with a pen in hand & doodle your own story by 'draw-ing' into your life daily." — Agne, Aya, Bea

artist drawing

Our Purpose

The main purpose of Daily Art Book is to inspire & encourage creativity on a daily basis by doodling. To take a deep dive in your own self & therapeutically heal by creating a bond with yourself through art.

Our goal is to provide books worldwide for everyone to self-discover freely, without judgment & create a safe space for people of all ages.


About Agne Christensen

Artist, gallery owner, entrepreneur & author Agne Christensen is the curator of the Daily Art Book & “DRAWing" book club owner, the founder of ARTBUY & ARTBUYTV & author of the forthcoming books “Art Crazy” & “Fame & Frame - artwork that stole famous hearts.” Daily art drawings/doodles transformed her life & inspired this passion project. The Daily Art Book is a product of her own story about her friendship & love for/with art. Teen & Kids versions are also available curated by her daughters Aja (16 years old) & Bea (9 years old).

About Aya Christensen


My experience with art journaling has improved my life & I want other people to experience that (age 16).

About Bea Christensen


I hope art will become your trusted friend so that you can express yourself fully without fear of writing words (age 9).